Designer focused on UX/UI for apps, sites and digital materials, Worked in advertising agencies, different companies and as a freelancer for various businesses. Experience as web project manager, creating a flow of communication between designers, clients and programmers. In recent years, as UX/UI designer, my professional horizon has been expanding the area of imprinted materials and branding (visual identity).
Italiano basico
(Portuguese – Native)
Clube do Contador
Site to sell and redeem prizes and buy associated counters.
Updated smart card layout (media that carries or digital certificate) reinforcing or branding.
Create leaflet, visit card and car sticker while maintaining a visual unity with the existing brand.
UX / UI / Designer / Mídias Media
Development of UX/UI work, as well as social and printed media.
I worked as a Designer (UX/UI) for websites and e-mails, and also worked on printed material, creating flyers and stands for events. With the addition of a person to the team under my coordination, we were able to produce the materials in-house, gaining agility and savings in production, and more coherent communication.
Project Manager
Responsible for communication between advertising agencies and developers. I´ve monitor the requested scope and schedule, alerting internal managers and the client in the possibility of potential problems, so that they can be avoided or quickly resolved.
Web Project Coordinator
The initial activity focused on the company's institutional website. By combining knowledge in the area of science, technical knowledge and communication skills, it was possible to move between the different areas of the company, participating in a growing number of projects. Participating in the Web, Research and Development and Communication and Marketing teams, I expanded my role in the projects, not only in the execution of the layout, but also in the conception, planning and monitoring of the development.
Google UX Design Professional Certificate. Coursera, 2024
Work with components in Figma. Coursera, 2024
Get Start with Figma. Coursera, 2023
UX / UI: Fundamentos para o design de interface. USP, 2021
De CX a UX Design - Prototipação da Jornada do Usuário. ESPM, 2020
Designer gráfico editorial. SENAI, 2017
Produção gráfica. SENAI, 2017
Diagramação e direção de arte. Belas Artes, 2009
História da Arte Ocidental. MuBE, 2009

Introdução à Gerência de Projetos
Trabalho “Implantando a filosofia do gerenciamento de projetos em organizações de pequeno e médio porte”.
Adobe Flex: básico e Avançado. ENG, 2007

Mídias Interativas
Monografia “A arte transgênica de Eduardo Kac: uma perspectiva biológica”
PHP e MySQL. IME- USP, 2006
Introdução à programação. IME-USP, 2005

Bacharel - Ciências Biológicas
Monografia “Atlas de Anatomia Vegetal para Internet”, sob orientação da Profa Dra Jane E. Kraus, vinculado ao Sistema Integrado de Apoio ao Ensino (SIAE) - USP.
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